
We appreciate all those who supported our Third Annual Exponanza at the Lubbock Civic Center. It was a night of fun, food and entertainment. This year, we made sure to focus more than ever on local. From catering to entertainment and raffle items – we utilized our local businesses. While we are humbled by the number of Founding Sponsors already named, it is our local support that makes us proud to be in Lubbock. Our annual Exponanza raises funds to add to our efforts in crossing the finish line to begin construction. We’re already hard at work on next year’s event and invite you to be a part of it! Together, we will close the gap on our fundraising goal. Be sure and save the date for next year’s Exponanza slated for Saturday, May 10, 2025. Stay tuned here and on our Facebook page for updates. Meanwhile visit our new website page – Get Involved – to find out more about all efforts and how you can be a necessary part of the process. Together, we are stronger, and we are as excited as you to make this crown jewel of Lubbock come to reality.